Sunday, May 9, 2010

First swim!

We are so lucky that grandma and grandpa have a pool, and since summer is already upon us we took Hailey for her first swim yesterday!

Hailey seemed to love the water and wasn't phased by it at all. She loved floating around in her floatie:
I was so excited to take Hailey for her first swim!
And our best friends Krissy and Riley came over for swim day too!
I have a feeling that Hailey is going to turn into quite the little fish in the pool before we know it!

Mother's Day

Today I was honored to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mommy!

We celebrated with brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Auntie Ashley was in town visiting, and great grandma and grandpa joined us too.

Here is four generations of the beautiful women in our family:
Hailey and Auntie Ashie:
After our photo shoot Hailey was exhausted and took a catnap in grammie's arms:

Thursday, May 6, 2010


For the past few weeks I have been taking Hailey to a baby storytime at a nearby library. She's not quite sure about it all yet, and mostly just takes it all in (everyone always comments how alert and observant she is!), but I think once she gets more familiar with it and we go regularly she will really start to enjoy it.

The storytime is for babies up to 18 months old, so there are always a variety of little ones there, from young ones to crawlers to toddlers, so it's really fun to watch the babies of different ages interact with each other.

We all sit around in a circle on the floor and sing songs, dance around, and listen to the group leader read a book.

I think it's so great for Hailey to be interacting with other babies and kids, and I'm really going to make an effort to get out more with her to baby-stimulating activities.

Here are a couple pictures of Hailey playing at the library before storytime:

7 months!

Where did the last month go? Geez, time is really flying lately and I just can't believe how big my baby girl is getting - she's suddenly not so baby anymore and turning more into a little girl every day.

Not too much new to report. She still hasn't figured out how to push up on her knees to get on all fours, so it looks like crawling won't be happening too soon, which honestly is probably a good thing considering I will have to be watching her every second once she can crawl! I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks of her not being able to get into everything quite yet.

Hailey is a great eater (not a surprise considering mommy and daddy love most every food!) and is up to 3 solid meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Still the baby food purees, but she is eating more variety and bigger quantities. And the formula intake is going down, so she's eating a very balanced diet right now I feel.

She is also sleeping so great. I put her in bed after her last bottle, give her a blankie and her pacifier, and she rolls around a little while then eventually passes out. She usually goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes up around 7:30 - not a bad schedule if you ask me!

Here are some photos from our 7 month photo shoot, which is getting increasingly hard to do since she moves around so much and wants to destroy the monthly sign! Lot's of blurry pictures these days!