Sunday, September 5, 2010

First steps and 11 months old!!

First let me apologize for the lack of blogging, I started work again a few weeks ago and juggling being a working mom is taking some getting used to and some things just get neglected (like blogging and cleaning the house!)

But more importantly, Hailey took her FIRST STEPS on Aug. 31, 2010. I can't tell you how exciting it was to see my baby girl toddle four steps and launch herself into my arms! She has been taking steps here and there ever since (up to about 10 steps today!) and at this rate we really think she will be a good walker by the time her birthday rolls around. You can tell she's getting more brave and confident because while holding onto something she will suddenly let go and just stand there looking at me so proud of herself for standing all on her own.

Watching my baby (yes I still call her my baby though clearly she is becoming much more toddler every day) learn how to walk is one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. All of her development in the last few weeks is just incredible, it's amazing how quickly she went from learning to pull herself up, to now crawling on her knees, then pushing her stroller everywhere, and now walking all by herself.

Hailey is also quite the chatterbox these days, she "talks" and screeches all day long usually, and sometimes it sounds like she is saying actual words, such as doggy, out, daddy, and the other day grammie taught her to say hat (though she hasn't said it for mommy yet, but grandpa says he heard it too). Unfortunately she isn't saying mama yet, but I know it will come, and I love seeing Anthony get so excited when she says dada or daddy right to him. I'm pretty sure she does know what the words mean. She also definitely knows doggy, cookie monster, ball, and dolly - if you ask her to find them for you she immediately looks at the right thing, little smarty pants!

She also suddenly has a mouth full of teeth! She only had four teeth for the longest time, but now I think she probably has about 10 that have poked through, including molars! I even made her first dentist appointment for around her first birthday, will be interesting to see how a toddler dentist appointment goes!

Hailey sleeps so great, and so far has adjusted really well to mommy going back to work and her going to daycare. It helps that she has new friends at daycare that she absolutely adores (and vice versa) and they keep her super busy and she comes home pretty exhausted.

She is eating almost all people food these days and is such a good eater, I don't think she's tried anything she hasn't liked! She even ate salmon tonight and scarfed it down! She loves her veggies and fruit and enjoys trying all kinds of new foods. Next month we are looking forward to making the switch to milk instead of formula, and I'm excited to see how she likes it.

We just sent out invitations for Hailey's birthday party, I am so excited and can't wait to see her toddle around and dig into her cake! We are doing a Sesame Street/Elmo theme and the party is going to be at a nice park nearby, hopefully the weather will be nice.

Hopefully it won't be so long before my next blog, but in the meantime here are some of the latest pictures of my little cutie (who totally is looking like a toddler and not a baby anymore!):