Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sentimental moment

Last night after reading Hailey her bedtime story we were sitting in her rocking chair just cuddling when I noticed her glowing seahorse (see picture below) nearby, so I grabbed it and turned it on for her. The glowing belly and gentle music suddenly flooded me with a wonderful memory.

A few weeks before Hailey was born and once her room was all ready for her, I used to sit in the rocker in her nursery, talking to my belly about how excited I was to meet her. I had received the glowing seahorse for a baby shower gift, so I really liked to play the music to my belly and feel Hailey kick around inside my tummy.

It was such a wonderful moment, thinking about when I played the seahorse for her inside my belly, and now here she is, over 6 months old and I can play seahorse for her on the outside and rock her in my arms. I just love her so very much and am very, very blessed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

6 month stats

We went to the pediatrician last week for Hailey's 6 month well baby check and next round of shots. Hailey weighs in at 16 pounds and is 25 inches long, perfectly average and growing great! She screamed for a few seconds after getting poked, but quickly forgot about it and had no trouble at all with the shots.

Now I think we are in the midst of teething, a tooth must be trying to cut through or something because Hailey has been so fussy and just not acting like herself. I really hope that tooth hurries up and comes in so she can start feeling better again, I just hate to see her in pain!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy half-birthday sweet Hailey!

Hailey is 6 months old today! In the past few days it's like a light has switched and suddenly she has SO much more energy now, she constantly wants to be playing and usually needs entertained. Boy is it exhausting! But she's developing such a personality and really has a mind of her own - once she sets her mind to do something she gets so determined and figures out how to do what she wants. Here are some photos from our 6 month photo shoot and one of her showing off her sitting skills from this morning:

Looking forward to what the next 6 months are sure to bring!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hailey's first Easter

We had a wonderful time today celebrating Hailey's first Easter. She was of course dressed in a pretty, frilly dress complete with a bow in her hair and sandals on her feet. We took Hailey to church for the first time and everyone ooh'd and ahh'd over how adorable she was, and she was a perfect angel and didn't make a peep the whole service.

Here are a few pictures from Easter and a few days before also.

Tomorrow is Hailey's half birthday/6 months old - I can hardly believe it!!