Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy birthday my sweet baby girl!

I can hardly believe it, but Hailey Marie is officially 1 year old! This year went by way too fast and I can honestly say I enjoyed every moment and I can't imagine my life without my sweet girl.

On Sunday we celebrated Hailey's birthday with a great group of family and friends. Hailey had so much fun, looked so pretty and showed off her great walking. (She became a full-fledged walker at about 11 1/2 months and now she never even crawls, so I think she is officially a toddler!)

I think Hailey's favorite part of the party was definitely eating her cake. She wasn't shy at all, and by the time we took the cake away she looked like a little Elmo!

Hailey has been very busy the past few days playing with all her new toys and reading all her new books. We spent a lot of special family time at home today celebrating, and went out for a nice dinner to celebrate Hailey and Grandma Cindy's birthdays. And of course she enjoyed a cupcake!

Can't believe the first year is over, but I'm so excited for what the next year will bring and am so excited to see Hailey turn into a little girl.

Happy birthday love muffin!

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