Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

We are so excited to celebrate Hailey's first Christmas! Even though she won't remember any of it, we are enjoying the holiday season and the amazing blessing we've been given this year.

Since she won't remember this Christmas, I'm doing my best to capture it in pictures so we can show her later how wonderful her first Christmas was.

Here is a picture of the Coulter Christmas tree. Note that almost all of the presents are for Hailey, and no they are not wrapped because mommy is lazy and refuses to wrap presents when Hailey can't even unwrap them yet! Next Christmas will be so much fun with Hailey running around and tearing through wrapping paper!

And here is a picture of the Coulter family in front of Grandma & Grandpa Hefley's Christmas tree on mommy's 27th birthday.

And here are pictures of the silly girl showing us how excited she is for Christmas!

And finally, here is a picture of Hailey showing us how she will sleep peacefully on Christmas Eve so that Santa Claus will come to visit her!

Lots more pictures to come after Christmas!

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