Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2 months old!

Hailey turned 2 months old a couple days ago, I can hardly believe the time is passing so quickly! She is getting so big and changing so much, definitely not a newborn anymore.

Today we had Hailey's 2 month check up with the pediatrician. She weighs 10 pounds 8 ounces and is 23.75 inches long. The pediatrician was so impressed by how alert, interactive and smily she is, she said if she didn't know better she would have thought Hailey was 4 months old! Mommy's little over-achiever already! Along with the check-up came her first round of shots. She got one in each thigh; she gave a pretty good wail after getting stuck, but calmed down pretty quickly and then promptly passed out for a nice long nap.

Hailey is starting to "talk" a bunch and make so many cute noises. Anthony says sometimes she sounds like a cat! My favorite thing is to sit her facing me on my lap, she loves to smile at me and talk away, cracks me up!

Here is a comparison pic of Hailey at 1 month and 2 months, you can definitely see how much she is changing!

Christmas is quickly approaching and we've already got the house and tree decorated. I feel like I've already got the best Christmas present imaginable, my sweet little daughter! But we are very much looking forward to Hailey's first Christmas, even if she won't remember much of it! She's going to get very spoiled of course, and Santa is getting her a high chair, a Laugh & Learn puppy, a jumperoo, and her very first Barbie!

Our Christmas photo shoot at JC Penney went very well, here is Hailey in her Christmas dress and another cute family picture we took!

Along with Christmas and the New Year comes the end of my maternity leave quickly approaching. I'm scheduled to return to work on Jan. 4, and my heart aches just thinking about leaving my little baby girl. But I think this subject calls for a whole other post...

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