Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Veggies and feet!

For her 5 month birthday I started Hailey on vegetables every night around dinner time. We started with sweet potatoes and I don't know if it's because it was the first thing she tried and it was foreign, but Hailey really wasn't a fan. After a few days of choking down the sweet potatoes we switched to green beans, which she loved but boy oh boy what a mess!

After the green beans we moved onto squash which she gobbled down, and just last night tried peas, which she also seemed to love! I think maybe she's getting the hang of eating food and seems to thoroughly enjoy it now. It's so nice to sit at the dinner table and feed her in her high chair while Anthony and I eat dinner. And eating her veggies I guess really wears her out:

After peas we will try carrots, then try sweet potatoes again to see if maybe she does like them next time. Around 6 months I will start introducing fruit and cereal for breakfast so she will be getting 2 meals a day. It's so much fun to feed her new foods and see how she reacts!

In other news, Hailey also recently discovered her own feet and they are a constant source of entertainment for her. She loves to lay on her back with her feet in the air and grab her own toes. She hasn't figured out yet that she can get her toes in her mouth, but I'm sure that day will come!

I just can't believe we are quickly approaching Hailey's 6 month birthday and that she will probably be crawling in the next couple months, so crazy! When she's laying on her belly now she sort of scrunches her bootie up in the air and sometimes scooches a little ways, so I'm guessing the army crawl is something she'll be working on soon. Time to start babyproofing the house!

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