Monday, June 7, 2010

8 months!

Not much to say other than time is flying by and I just can't believe Hailey is already 8 months old and well on her way to being 1, my little baby is growing too fast!

It's getting so hard to take these monthly pictures because she just wants to play with and destroy the paper sign and gets so mad when I take it away from her! Haha, makes me a little worried for the temper tantrums I'm sure we'll experience before too long.

Not too much has changed with Hailey in the last month. Still hasn't figured out crawling and just not sure if she's going to - neither Anthony or I crawled and just went straight to walking so I'm starting to think she may do the same since she just doesn't seem too interested in crawling.

One exciting thing for mommy is that Hailey's hair is really getting thicker all of a sudden - I just hope it will be thick enough for pigtails on her first birthday!

She is really developing quite the little personality and makes all kinds of funny noises. Her latest is this funny blowing noise she does with her lips and Anthony says she sounds like an elephant, silly girl!

All in all Hailey is a fun, happy baby who loves to play, eat and sleep - makes me a happy mommy!

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