Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Yesterday we celebrated Anthony's very first Father's Day and it was a very special day. And Hailey decided to make it extra special by saying "Da-da" for the first time and Anthony was even right there to hear it, it was so exciting!

Hailey and I did a photo shoot where she was holding letters spelling out D-A-D and I put it in a 3-photo frame, turned out really cute!

Anthony spent lots of time playing and bonding with Hailey over the weekend, and I could tell they both really enjoyed spending the time together.

In other news, we have been working on getting Hailey to stand a lot, so she can improve her balance and hopefully think about walking in the not too far future. We're thinking she's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking (both Anthony and I never crawled so I'm thinking Hailey will probably do the same), so we're helping her get comfortable with standing. Anytime you put your fingers or hands in front of her while she's sitting she will immediately grab on and pull herself up, it's a really fun new game for her! While I'm really sad that's she's growing up so fast, I have to admit that it's also really neat to see her learn new skills and use her brain to figure out how to do things on her own.

Hailey has also become very vocal lately. Making lots of new sounds (including screeching at the top of her lungs when the dogs bark!) and sometimes it seems like she's just going to start talking all of a sudden. Her favorite game is to throw something and say "uh" - the first part of "uh oh" - we are wondering when she will figure out how to say the "oh" part - it's pretty funny to hear! I just love her little voice and cannot wait to hear her say "I love you momma." Ah, my heart melts just thinking about it.

And lastly, we are still waiting for the elusive first tooth to pop through. She hasn't really been showing any major teething symptoms lately, so hopefully she's not really in pain but it looks like several teeth are right under the surface just waiting to pop through any day. I have a feeling once they decide to come out she's going to have a few teeth all at once!

That's all for now - just a couple weeks away from being 9 months old!

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