Wednesday, July 7, 2010

9 month stats

At her 9 month appointment Hailey weighed in at 20 pounds even (75%) and is 27 1/4 inches long (40%) so for now she is kind of short and stout like her mama! Ha, nothing to worry about though as the doctor said babies fluctuate so much and all that will likely change with her activity levels increasing.

The doctor was also able to feel both her top two middle teeth, so it looks like Hailey got 4 teeth in less than 2 weeks! And lucky for me she really wasn't even too fussy about it, thank goodness.

All in all Hailey is happy and healthy and developing right on track. The doctor said we can start to introduce more table foods and should be thinking about being off the bottle by around 1 year old.

As long as she stays healthy we won't be going back to the doctor until after her 1st birthday, which is less than 3 months away - how is that even possible?!!

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