Hailey has 4 teeth now (got them all within 2 weeks!), both middle on top and bottom, she looks so different with teeth!
She is still army crawling all over, and is very fast now. She's also pulling up a lot, getting up on her knees a lot and likes to climb all over everything, her current favorite being crawling around the bottom shelf of the coffee table! She also tries to stand and walk whenever possible. She still needs our help to walk around, but she's getting more and more brave and lets go everyone once in a while or only holds on with one hand. It's probably only a matter of time before she just decides to take off.
Hailey used to be so content to just sit and play for a while, but she recently just perfected the skill of getting down from a sitting position to crawling, meaning she does not ever sit still anymore! And as I mentioned she is very fast at crawling.
Case in point, the other day I left her in her room for a few minutes to do something in our room. When I returned I found that she had crawled all the way to the laundry room and had spilled the dogs' water all over the floor and herself, and their food all over the floor AND managed to sneak her first bite of dog food!

But she's more fun than ever and really getting a personality. She "talks" and babbles so much, and I swear sometimes she tries to say "doggy."
Here's a picture of Hailey with her very first ponytail!

Happy 10 months baby girl!
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