Monday, January 4, 2010

First day back to work

Here I am almost at the end of my first day back to work after 14 weeks of maternity leave (yes, I'm blogging from work - shhh, don't tell!)

The morning was a little rough, but I'm doing a lot better than I expected I would (figured I would be crying all day!), and I've managed not to shed a single tear since I've been at work.

The hardest part was leaving her with the babysitter this morning. I actually had to wake her up to eat and she did NOT want to get up so early! But she was so cute and cuddly in her jammies, it was so hard to hand her off to Miss Sandy knowing that I wouldn't see her again until 5:30 tonight. I had a really good cry on my way to work, and I called Sandy a couple times throughout the day to check on her, but other than that I feel like I'm coping really well.

From what I can tell Hailey did really well at the babysitter's house. Everytime I called Sandy she was either napping (in the crib even!), or playing with her and the girls. Anthony got off early from work and picked her up about 3 p.m.; he was so excited to play with her and have some daddy/Hailey alone time, but she was so pooped that she passed out in her crib as soon as he got her home!

I've got to make it about 30 more minutes here at work then I'm going to race home so I can snuggle Hailey all night long!

Today wasn't fun, but I survived and I'm sure each day will get a little easier from here on out. And the best part is that I've been able to cut my work hours to 4 days a week, so I will be off every Wednesday to spend with Hailey, I'm so excited and grateful for this opportunity!

So now I know what it's like to be a working mom, and it looks like I CAN survive a whole 8 hours without seeing Hailey; I'm sure it will be really good for both of us and make the time we do spend together that much more special.

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