Monday, January 18, 2010

A whole new world

When Hailey was first born people kept telling me that once she got to 3 months she would start changing so much developmentally and how much fun it would be to see her grown and learn. Now that she's hit that 3 month milestone I really am finding out how very much she is changing.

It seems like every day she does something new - her latest is this cough/laugh she does when she thinks something is funny. She loves using and exploring with her hands; she can spend a long time sucking away on her fingers, but also likes to touch things and feel different textures.

Hailey is in such a good mood in the mornings, usually after her morning bottle she likes to sit on my lap and stare at my face while she chatters away about who knows what?! It's the cutest thing to watch all her expressions and hear the different sounds she is learning to make.

Oh, and she is getting to the stage where she doesn't want to miss anything and is always busy looking around every which way. This makes getting her to sleep a little difficult because she fights sleep because she's so afraid she will miss something happening while she shuts her eyes! But eventually she does get tired and sleep well. She actually plays with toys now and really seems to enjoy all the stimulation of various colors, sounds, textures, etc. - it really wears her out!

Getting so big:

Mommy and Hailey busy on their laptops:

Crashed out with grammie:

Trying out her new jumperoo:

Clearly the jumperoo is exhausting:

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