Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First two weeks with Hailey

Let me apologize for the multiple blogs - I have a bit of catching up to do!

After Hailey was born, she and her dad and I spent two days and nights in the hospital recovering from birth and getting lots of help from the nurses as Anthony and I quickly learned how to take care of a baby (both of us had hardly any experience with babies, so it was lots of hands-on learning for us!)

Being in the hospital was hard because not only did we have lots of visitors which was great (all the family and friends just couldn't wait to meet Hailey!), but there were constantly nurses and other hospital workers barging into our room to check our vitals or tell us about something.

Needless to say, after we were given permission to leave we were so very excited to bring Hailey home. In the weeks leading up to her birth everyone was so anxious for her to come that they (especially Auntie Ashley and Grammie Cindy) went a little crazy buying things for Hailey in the hopes that she would be tempted to come out! So we couldn't wait to get her home and show her all the fancy clothes and toys waiting for her.

While we were excited about all the fun stuff for her, Hailey wasn't too interested at first - all she wanted to do was sleep! Well sleep, eat and dirty her diaper to be more specific.

We were very lucky that Anthony was able to take two weeks off from work to spend at home with me and Hailey. It was such a special time for our little family - we did lots of sleeping, cuddling, and staring at our beautiful little girl.

The day after we got home from the hospital our four-legged babies got to come home and meet the new little being that had invaded their home while they vacationed at Grandma Cleda and Grandpa Bob's house (thanks for babysitting gma and gpa!) Auntie Ashley even found special shirts for Trixie and Annie to wear to welcome baby Hailey into the family!

We were a little worried about how the dogs would react to bringing home a baby (both are mommy's girls and always on my lap any chance they get), but so far they've done surprisingly well. Annie is very curious about Hailey and likes to keep track of her, and Trixie seems to care less about a baby in her house, as long as she still gets a decent amount of love from mommy.

The first couple weeks Hailey slept a lot. Anthony and I slept when we could - at night Hailey would wake up every 2-3 hours to get her diaper changed and eat. Anthony and I both really enjoy our sleep, so this was definitely an adjustment, but seeing her beautiful little face made every sleepless moment worth it.

Anthony has now gone back to work sadly, so Hailey and I are beginning our weekly routine together. I'm fortunate to be off work until after Christmas, so I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with my baby girl as she grows and changes over the next few months (and I'll try my best to document it here!)

Yesterday we had Hailey's 2 week pediatrician appointment. She weighed in at 8 pounds exactly (had lost a little weight after birth, but starting to gain on track now) and 20.75 inches. She's already changed a lot since she was born, and it makes me a little sad but at the same time I'm really looking forward to watching her grow and develop from a newborn baby into a little girl (I just hope it doesn't happen TOO fast!)

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