Monday, October 26, 2009

"It will change your life"

I heard this phrase countless times during my pregnancy (as I'm sure every mom-to-be does)and every time someone said it to me I simply smiled and said "I'm sure it will." Of course I believed them; it seemed pretty obvious that a baby would forever change you. So you could say that I was prepared for my life to change, but I never realized how much it would change until Hailey actually came into my life. With exactly 3 weeks experience as a mommy, here are the things I've learned since the blessed life-changing event.

1. Having a baby/kid is a 24/7 job - My life and wants/needs are no longer my own, baby ALWAYS comes first. I've already eaten quite a few cold meals and obviously sacrificed a lot of sleep in order to make baby happy. I know as a newborn she's super needy right now and it will probably get a little easier as she becomes more independent, but I know my concern/worry for her well being are going to last as long as I'm alive (I'm already worrying about the teenage years!)

2. You'll fall in love all over again - Having Hailey in my life has made me fall in love with my husband all over again. Throughout my pregnancy one of the things I most anticipated was seeing my husband become a daddy, and I have to say it is more amazing than I ever imagined it could be. Watching the look of absolute love and adoration on his face as he holds and kisses her melts my heart every single time.

3. You become a different person - This may sound like a negative, but I don't see it that way. Becoming a mommy has turned me into a new woman; no longer am I concerned with trivial little things like celebrity gossip or making sure I have makeup on every time I leave the house. Instead I worry about the amount and color of Hailey's poop and what kinds of things I should be doing developmentally to make sure she grows up smart and independent.

4. Unconditional love has a whole new meaning - No matter how much she cries now, or misbehaves as she gets older - I will love this little girl with my whole entire being. I truly would throw myself in front of a bus for her or take a bullet to save her life. It sounds extreme, but all I care about is her safety and happiness. I can't even count how many times tears have rolled down my face for absolutely no reason as I stare at her beautiful little face.

5. They really DO grow so fast - Something else everyone tells you while pregnant or once you have a newborn, "Enjoy them now because they grow up fast." It's SO true. In just 3 weeks Hailey looks so different to me and has changed so much, I can only imagine how she will look at 3 months, 1 year, 5 years from now. Though I need sleep, in some ways I just want to stare at her every moment of the day so that I don't miss a moment of her at each stage of life.

I could go on and on, and I'm sure there are MANY more lessons to be learned, but my sweet little baby is looking so cute in her swing that I have to go snuggle her. Like I said, I just don't want to miss a moment.

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