Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Letter to my daughter

Dear Hailey,
As you sleep peacefully in your swing next to me, I realize I should be getting some sleep myself, but I just wanted to take a few moments to put in writing how very much I love you.

Sure I'm pretty emotional these days, but every time I think about you my eyes fill with tears (only happy tears of course) and my heart bursts with pure and unconditional love for you.

Having you in my life has been more of a miracle than I ever could have realized. Sometimes I'm just blown away that the love between your daddy and I could have created such a perfect little person. I'm still amazed by how very cute you turned out - from your tiny little button nose to your long, dark hair, to your "perfect" ears. From the top of your little mohawk to the bottom of your teeny, tiny toes is absolute perfection.

Daddy already talks about how he will have to buy a shotgun to keep all the boys away when you become a teenager. The thought of you of as a teenager is too scary to ponder right now, so I'm enjoying every single second with you as a tiny baby!

I could go on and on, Hailey, professing my love for you. But instead I think I will pull you out of your swing and snuggle you! You are the best little cuddler and I could hold and kiss you all day long.

Until next time my love...

XOXO, mommy

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