Saturday, October 24, 2009

New, old letter to my daughter

On May 7, 2009 Anthony and I had an ultrasound and learned that our first child was a healthy baby girl. It's a day I will always remember, the excitement of finding out we'd be having a little girl is indescribable. After the ultrasound we immediately went out to make our first "pink" purchases and then to share the exciting news with grandma and grandpa-to-be.

Later that day after the excitement died down I took some time to write a letter to my as-yet-unnamed daughter. So it's a little old, but I wanted to publish it here for the record:

May 7, 2009

Dear Baby Girl,

Today your daddy and I had an ultrasound to look at your cute little self and make sure you are healthy (you are, and adorable of course!) The best part of the appointment was that we got to find out whether you are a boy or girl. From as soon as mommy found out she was pregnant, we thought you were a girl, and we were so excited to find out that you are!

Today I sang my new song to you for the first time: “Baby girl, baby girl, I love you so much, my little baby girl.” I think you liked the song because I felt you moving around in my tummy!

Now that we know you are indeed a little girl, mommy and daddy are anxious to begin making so many fun decisions – what your name will be, how we will decorate your nursery, what kinds of cute little clothes to buy you.

While it’s so much fun to plan all these things, the thing I love most is daydreaming about you and what a beautiful, smart little girl you are going to be. Tears fill my eyes as I imagine whether you will get mommy’s blue eyes, or daddy’s cute nose.

Daddy is so excited to share with you his love of music and to teach you about cars and take you camping. But don’t worry! Mommy will make sure and do lots of girly things with you too – like paint your nails, take you shopping, and teach you about makeup (when you are old enough of course!)

Baby girl, you are already so very special to me, and I haven’t even met you yet! I just can’t wait to pinch your chubby little cheeks and hold your soft little hand. And then to watch you develop into a beautiful little girl and later on a grown women. I already love to daydream about you dancing with your daddy at your wedding!

I love you so very much baby girl, and I just can’t wait to meet you in a few more months. Enjoy all your rest now, because mommy and daddy and Trixie and Annie can’t wait to play with you!

Love you always and forever,

Mommy (and daddy!)

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