Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy birthday my sweet baby girl!

I can hardly believe it, but Hailey Marie is officially 1 year old! This year went by way too fast and I can honestly say I enjoyed every moment and I can't imagine my life without my sweet girl.

On Sunday we celebrated Hailey's birthday with a great group of family and friends. Hailey had so much fun, looked so pretty and showed off her great walking. (She became a full-fledged walker at about 11 1/2 months and now she never even crawls, so I think she is officially a toddler!)

I think Hailey's favorite part of the party was definitely eating her cake. She wasn't shy at all, and by the time we took the cake away she looked like a little Elmo!

Hailey has been very busy the past few days playing with all her new toys and reading all her new books. We spent a lot of special family time at home today celebrating, and went out for a nice dinner to celebrate Hailey and Grandma Cindy's birthdays. And of course she enjoyed a cupcake!

Can't believe the first year is over, but I'm so excited for what the next year will bring and am so excited to see Hailey turn into a little girl.

Happy birthday love muffin!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First steps and 11 months old!!

First let me apologize for the lack of blogging, I started work again a few weeks ago and juggling being a working mom is taking some getting used to and some things just get neglected (like blogging and cleaning the house!)

But more importantly, Hailey took her FIRST STEPS on Aug. 31, 2010. I can't tell you how exciting it was to see my baby girl toddle four steps and launch herself into my arms! She has been taking steps here and there ever since (up to about 10 steps today!) and at this rate we really think she will be a good walker by the time her birthday rolls around. You can tell she's getting more brave and confident because while holding onto something she will suddenly let go and just stand there looking at me so proud of herself for standing all on her own.

Watching my baby (yes I still call her my baby though clearly she is becoming much more toddler every day) learn how to walk is one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. All of her development in the last few weeks is just incredible, it's amazing how quickly she went from learning to pull herself up, to now crawling on her knees, then pushing her stroller everywhere, and now walking all by herself.

Hailey is also quite the chatterbox these days, she "talks" and screeches all day long usually, and sometimes it sounds like she is saying actual words, such as doggy, out, daddy, and the other day grammie taught her to say hat (though she hasn't said it for mommy yet, but grandpa says he heard it too). Unfortunately she isn't saying mama yet, but I know it will come, and I love seeing Anthony get so excited when she says dada or daddy right to him. I'm pretty sure she does know what the words mean. She also definitely knows doggy, cookie monster, ball, and dolly - if you ask her to find them for you she immediately looks at the right thing, little smarty pants!

She also suddenly has a mouth full of teeth! She only had four teeth for the longest time, but now I think she probably has about 10 that have poked through, including molars! I even made her first dentist appointment for around her first birthday, will be interesting to see how a toddler dentist appointment goes!

Hailey sleeps so great, and so far has adjusted really well to mommy going back to work and her going to daycare. It helps that she has new friends at daycare that she absolutely adores (and vice versa) and they keep her super busy and she comes home pretty exhausted.

She is eating almost all people food these days and is such a good eater, I don't think she's tried anything she hasn't liked! She even ate salmon tonight and scarfed it down! She loves her veggies and fruit and enjoys trying all kinds of new foods. Next month we are looking forward to making the switch to milk instead of formula, and I'm excited to see how she likes it.

We just sent out invitations for Hailey's birthday party, I am so excited and can't wait to see her toddle around and dig into her cake! We are doing a Sesame Street/Elmo theme and the party is going to be at a nice park nearby, hopefully the weather will be nice.

Hopefully it won't be so long before my next blog, but in the meantime here are some of the latest pictures of my little cutie (who totally is looking like a toddler and not a baby anymore!):

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to work for mommy

I had originally planned to go back to work when Hailey was 3 months old at the end of my maternity leave, but due to a terrible economy the company I worked for did major layoffs and though it wasn't fun to lose my job it did mean I was able to stay home with Hailey until she was 10 months old.

But after spending countless hours looking for a new job and going to many interviews (remember, the economy is terrible right now and tons of people are out of work), I have finally been offered a job and will start in a few days.

I'm full of mixed emotions. I have loved staying at home with Hailey and feel so lucky to have gotten so much time with her. But I also miss using my brain and being creative and being busy. Ideally I would have liked to find a part time job so I could get the best of both worlds, but in order to make decent money I've accepted a full time position. The worst part is that it's a long commute, so it makes me pretty sad that I'll be away from Hailey so much.

The hardest part I think is going from one extreme to the other. I've been with Hailey 24/7 almost her whole life, and now I'll only get to see her a couple hours at most a day during the week. And I'll have to leave so early in the morning that I won't even get to see her before she wakes up, I'm going to miss my sweet little morning Hailey so much.

Well it's probably pretty obvious that I'm not exactly thrilled about going back to work, so I'm trying not to dwell on it too much. It's going to be very hard for me to leave her, but I'm sure it will be a nice change for Hailey to get out of the house more and interact with other babies while being cared for by others.

It's not going to be easy, but I'm going to take it one day at a time and hopefully we get into a schedule that works well for everyone.

10 months old!

Ack, it's only 2 months until Hailey's first birthday!! Where in the world has this year gone?! I can't believe I have a 10 month old, she's so much closer to being a toddler than she is a baby, she's turning into a little girl right before my very eyes.

Hailey has 4 teeth now (got them all within 2 weeks!), both middle on top and bottom, she looks so different with teeth!

She is still army crawling all over, and is very fast now. She's also pulling up a lot, getting up on her knees a lot and likes to climb all over everything, her current favorite being crawling around the bottom shelf of the coffee table! She also tries to stand and walk whenever possible. She still needs our help to walk around, but she's getting more and more brave and lets go everyone once in a while or only holds on with one hand. It's probably only a matter of time before she just decides to take off.

Hailey used to be so content to just sit and play for a while, but she recently just perfected the skill of getting down from a sitting position to crawling, meaning she does not ever sit still anymore! And as I mentioned she is very fast at crawling.

Case in point, the other day I left her in her room for a few minutes to do something in our room. When I returned I found that she had crawled all the way to the laundry room and had spilled the dogs' water all over the floor and herself, and their food all over the floor AND managed to sneak her first bite of dog food!

She is becoming quite the little explorer and wants to get into everything she's not supposed to - I'm starting to have my hands full with her!

But she's more fun than ever and really getting a personality. She "talks" and babbles so much, and I swear sometimes she tries to say "doggy."

Here's a picture of Hailey with her very first ponytail!

Since it's only 2 months away I've begun planning Hailey's first birthday party. We're planning to have it at a park and hopefully the weather will be nice! Since Hailey loves Elmo so much I'm planning a Sesame Street theme and will probably have a cute Elmo cake for her. I can't wait to see her eat cake!

Happy 10 months baby girl!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

9 month stats

At her 9 month appointment Hailey weighed in at 20 pounds even (75%) and is 27 1/4 inches long (40%) so for now she is kind of short and stout like her mama! Ha, nothing to worry about though as the doctor said babies fluctuate so much and all that will likely change with her activity levels increasing.

The doctor was also able to feel both her top two middle teeth, so it looks like Hailey got 4 teeth in less than 2 weeks! And lucky for me she really wasn't even too fussy about it, thank goodness.

All in all Hailey is happy and healthy and developing right on track. The doctor said we can start to introduce more table foods and should be thinking about being off the bottle by around 1 year old.

As long as she stays healthy we won't be going back to the doctor until after her 1st birthday, which is less than 3 months away - how is that even possible?!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

9 months old!

Hailey is 9 months old today! It's hard to believe that she's been here as long as I was pregnant, time is going by way too fast.

But I'm really enjoying this stage. She is constantly learning and wanting to try new things. Her favorite thing to do right now is to stand and/or walk while holding onto my hands. She would probably stand all day if I would let her! We got her a little mini stroller with a doll in it that she can pull herself up with and then push around slowly and try to walk. Every day she gets a little more confident and tries to do new things like letting go with one hand or even both a couple times.

And now she is up to 3 teeth! All three came popped out in about the span of a week and a half. She's got the two bottom middle teeth and one top middle tooth. Luckily she hasn't been too terribly miserable with the teething.

Hailey's hair is getting a lot longer and thicker and I recently started mussing it up with water a little bit for a new 'do! Check it out:

I just can't wait til her hair is long and thick enough for me to put it in a ponytail!

We're going in for a 9 month check-up with the pediatrician tomorrow so I will be sure to update soon with all her growth stats!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First tooth!

So we were sitting playing at storytime at the library today when Hailey grabbed my finger, jabbed it in her mouth and bit down, and what did I feel?! A tooth! I was so surprised! I knew we had to be getting close, but I was so surprised to feel something new in her mouth all of a sudden.

I think her gums are very sore because she's been a little cranky and she really won't let me poke around in her mouth very much, but when we got home I did some investigating and not only can I feel it but I can see the tiny white tooth!

Ahh, this means my baby girl is growing up! Will try to catch a picture of the new tooth at some point to post!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Yesterday we celebrated Anthony's very first Father's Day and it was a very special day. And Hailey decided to make it extra special by saying "Da-da" for the first time and Anthony was even right there to hear it, it was so exciting!

Hailey and I did a photo shoot where she was holding letters spelling out D-A-D and I put it in a 3-photo frame, turned out really cute!

Anthony spent lots of time playing and bonding with Hailey over the weekend, and I could tell they both really enjoyed spending the time together.

In other news, we have been working on getting Hailey to stand a lot, so she can improve her balance and hopefully think about walking in the not too far future. We're thinking she's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking (both Anthony and I never crawled so I'm thinking Hailey will probably do the same), so we're helping her get comfortable with standing. Anytime you put your fingers or hands in front of her while she's sitting she will immediately grab on and pull herself up, it's a really fun new game for her! While I'm really sad that's she's growing up so fast, I have to admit that it's also really neat to see her learn new skills and use her brain to figure out how to do things on her own.

Hailey has also become very vocal lately. Making lots of new sounds (including screeching at the top of her lungs when the dogs bark!) and sometimes it seems like she's just going to start talking all of a sudden. Her favorite game is to throw something and say "uh" - the first part of "uh oh" - we are wondering when she will figure out how to say the "oh" part - it's pretty funny to hear! I just love her little voice and cannot wait to hear her say "I love you momma." Ah, my heart melts just thinking about it.

And lastly, we are still waiting for the elusive first tooth to pop through. She hasn't really been showing any major teething symptoms lately, so hopefully she's not really in pain but it looks like several teeth are right under the surface just waiting to pop through any day. I have a feeling once they decide to come out she's going to have a few teeth all at once!

That's all for now - just a couple weeks away from being 9 months old!

Monday, June 7, 2010

8 months!

Not much to say other than time is flying by and I just can't believe Hailey is already 8 months old and well on her way to being 1, my little baby is growing too fast!

It's getting so hard to take these monthly pictures because she just wants to play with and destroy the paper sign and gets so mad when I take it away from her! Haha, makes me a little worried for the temper tantrums I'm sure we'll experience before too long.

Not too much has changed with Hailey in the last month. Still hasn't figured out crawling and just not sure if she's going to - neither Anthony or I crawled and just went straight to walking so I'm starting to think she may do the same since she just doesn't seem too interested in crawling.

One exciting thing for mommy is that Hailey's hair is really getting thicker all of a sudden - I just hope it will be thick enough for pigtails on her first birthday!

She is really developing quite the little personality and makes all kinds of funny noises. Her latest is this funny blowing noise she does with her lips and Anthony says she sounds like an elephant, silly girl!

All in all Hailey is a fun, happy baby who loves to play, eat and sleep - makes me a happy mommy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First swim!

We are so lucky that grandma and grandpa have a pool, and since summer is already upon us we took Hailey for her first swim yesterday!

Hailey seemed to love the water and wasn't phased by it at all. She loved floating around in her floatie:
I was so excited to take Hailey for her first swim!
And our best friends Krissy and Riley came over for swim day too!
I have a feeling that Hailey is going to turn into quite the little fish in the pool before we know it!

Mother's Day

Today I was honored to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mommy!

We celebrated with brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Auntie Ashley was in town visiting, and great grandma and grandpa joined us too.

Here is four generations of the beautiful women in our family:
Hailey and Auntie Ashie:
After our photo shoot Hailey was exhausted and took a catnap in grammie's arms:

Thursday, May 6, 2010


For the past few weeks I have been taking Hailey to a baby storytime at a nearby library. She's not quite sure about it all yet, and mostly just takes it all in (everyone always comments how alert and observant she is!), but I think once she gets more familiar with it and we go regularly she will really start to enjoy it.

The storytime is for babies up to 18 months old, so there are always a variety of little ones there, from young ones to crawlers to toddlers, so it's really fun to watch the babies of different ages interact with each other.

We all sit around in a circle on the floor and sing songs, dance around, and listen to the group leader read a book.

I think it's so great for Hailey to be interacting with other babies and kids, and I'm really going to make an effort to get out more with her to baby-stimulating activities.

Here are a couple pictures of Hailey playing at the library before storytime:

7 months!

Where did the last month go? Geez, time is really flying lately and I just can't believe how big my baby girl is getting - she's suddenly not so baby anymore and turning more into a little girl every day.

Not too much new to report. She still hasn't figured out how to push up on her knees to get on all fours, so it looks like crawling won't be happening too soon, which honestly is probably a good thing considering I will have to be watching her every second once she can crawl! I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks of her not being able to get into everything quite yet.

Hailey is a great eater (not a surprise considering mommy and daddy love most every food!) and is up to 3 solid meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Still the baby food purees, but she is eating more variety and bigger quantities. And the formula intake is going down, so she's eating a very balanced diet right now I feel.

She is also sleeping so great. I put her in bed after her last bottle, give her a blankie and her pacifier, and she rolls around a little while then eventually passes out. She usually goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes up around 7:30 - not a bad schedule if you ask me!

Here are some photos from our 7 month photo shoot, which is getting increasingly hard to do since she moves around so much and wants to destroy the monthly sign! Lot's of blurry pictures these days!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sentimental moment

Last night after reading Hailey her bedtime story we were sitting in her rocking chair just cuddling when I noticed her glowing seahorse (see picture below) nearby, so I grabbed it and turned it on for her. The glowing belly and gentle music suddenly flooded me with a wonderful memory.

A few weeks before Hailey was born and once her room was all ready for her, I used to sit in the rocker in her nursery, talking to my belly about how excited I was to meet her. I had received the glowing seahorse for a baby shower gift, so I really liked to play the music to my belly and feel Hailey kick around inside my tummy.

It was such a wonderful moment, thinking about when I played the seahorse for her inside my belly, and now here she is, over 6 months old and I can play seahorse for her on the outside and rock her in my arms. I just love her so very much and am very, very blessed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

6 month stats

We went to the pediatrician last week for Hailey's 6 month well baby check and next round of shots. Hailey weighs in at 16 pounds and is 25 inches long, perfectly average and growing great! She screamed for a few seconds after getting poked, but quickly forgot about it and had no trouble at all with the shots.

Now I think we are in the midst of teething, a tooth must be trying to cut through or something because Hailey has been so fussy and just not acting like herself. I really hope that tooth hurries up and comes in so she can start feeling better again, I just hate to see her in pain!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy half-birthday sweet Hailey!

Hailey is 6 months old today! In the past few days it's like a light has switched and suddenly she has SO much more energy now, she constantly wants to be playing and usually needs entertained. Boy is it exhausting! But she's developing such a personality and really has a mind of her own - once she sets her mind to do something she gets so determined and figures out how to do what she wants. Here are some photos from our 6 month photo shoot and one of her showing off her sitting skills from this morning:

Looking forward to what the next 6 months are sure to bring!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hailey's first Easter

We had a wonderful time today celebrating Hailey's first Easter. She was of course dressed in a pretty, frilly dress complete with a bow in her hair and sandals on her feet. We took Hailey to church for the first time and everyone ooh'd and ahh'd over how adorable she was, and she was a perfect angel and didn't make a peep the whole service.

Here are a few pictures from Easter and a few days before also.

Tomorrow is Hailey's half birthday/6 months old - I can hardly believe it!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rolling, sitting, and...crawling?!

As of today, Hailey can now roll over from belly to back and back to belly. I'm sure before I know it she'll be rolling back and forth all over the house! Just now she worked so hard at getting from her back to her belly (she's been working on doing this for a while now), and once she finally figured out how to get her arms underneath her to be fully on her belly she gave me the biggest cheesy smile and she was so proud of herself!

I've also been working on getting her to sit on her own. She still likes to hang on to me for support, but if she's distracted and I let go she'll hold herself up in a sitting position for a little while before tipping off to the side and I have to catch her.

And no, she's not crawling quite yet thank goodness! But she has started showing the first signs of thinking about/wanting to crawl. Last night she was playing on her belly and she pushed up really hard on her arms and tried arching her back a little, like she wanted to push up on her knees. But she's not quite strong enough to get on her knees yet, so when she tries to push up on her knees she just ends up scooching her whole body backwards, farther from the toy she was trying to get which she's not happy about!

I hate to say it, but I think little miss Hailey is going to be mobile very soon! She's changing so much and doing new things every day, I feel so very lucky to be able to watch her develop and reach each of these milestones.

On Sunday we celebrate Hailey's first Easter, and Monday is Hailey's 6 month/half year birthday!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Veggies and feet!

For her 5 month birthday I started Hailey on vegetables every night around dinner time. We started with sweet potatoes and I don't know if it's because it was the first thing she tried and it was foreign, but Hailey really wasn't a fan. After a few days of choking down the sweet potatoes we switched to green beans, which she loved but boy oh boy what a mess!

After the green beans we moved onto squash which she gobbled down, and just last night tried peas, which she also seemed to love! I think maybe she's getting the hang of eating food and seems to thoroughly enjoy it now. It's so nice to sit at the dinner table and feed her in her high chair while Anthony and I eat dinner. And eating her veggies I guess really wears her out:

After peas we will try carrots, then try sweet potatoes again to see if maybe she does like them next time. Around 6 months I will start introducing fruit and cereal for breakfast so she will be getting 2 meals a day. It's so much fun to feed her new foods and see how she reacts!

In other news, Hailey also recently discovered her own feet and they are a constant source of entertainment for her. She loves to lay on her back with her feet in the air and grab her own toes. She hasn't figured out yet that she can get her toes in her mouth, but I'm sure that day will come!

I just can't believe we are quickly approaching Hailey's 6 month birthday and that she will probably be crawling in the next couple months, so crazy! When she's laying on her belly now she sort of scrunches her bootie up in the air and sometimes scooches a little ways, so I'm guessing the army crawl is something she'll be working on soon. Time to start babyproofing the house!